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Málstofa: Silvia Hufnagel

19. febrúar
kl. 15.30–17

Málstofa: Silvia Hufnagel
Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum
19. febrúar 2016 kl. 15:30
Árnagarði við Suðurgötu, stofu 201


Silvia Hufnagel flytur fyrirlestur á málstofu Stofnunar Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum föstudaginn 19. febrúar kl. 15.30. Fyrirlesturinn sem fluttur verður á ensku nefnir hún: „Old and New: Title-pages in Icelandic manuscript culture.“


Hér fylgir stutt lýsing á efninu:

„Manuscript production did not stop in Iceland when the first printing press was established around 1530. Instead, it grew to new quantitative and qualitative heights, including features of printed books such as title pages. This phenomenon that, as time went on, books influenced manuscripts, has not attracted much attention yet. I therefore conduct a study on the relationship between printed books and handwritten manuscripts of the 16th and 17th centuries. The influence and interrelationship of the two media, as well as the protagonists behind the codices and their aims and goals are in the centre of the study. The focus will be on title pages, as they are a truly innovative feature of printed books that we also find in post-Gutenberg manuscripts.

The objectives of this project concern the influence of a new medium on an old, existing medium; the utilisation of features of the new medium to achieve specific aims and goals; and the impact of this utilisation on society.

Methods to conduct the study of title pages and their sociological impact include content analysis from literary studies, quantitative codicological analysis from book and manuscript studies and iconographic/iconologic analysis from art history.“


Silvia Hufnagel lauk doktorsprófi frá Kaupmannahafnarháskóla 2012 með ritgerðinni: „Sörla saga sterka: Studies in the Transmission of a Fornaldarsaga.“ Hún er nú Marie-Sklodowska-Curie styrkþegi við Institut für Mittelalterforschung der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften í Vínarborg.


2016-02-19T15:30:00 - 2016-02-19T17:00:00