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Ráðstefna í tilefni af 200 ára afmæli Jóns Árnasonar þjóðsagnasafnara. Fyrri dagur.

17.–18. október
kl. 10.30–17

Í tilefni af 200 ára afmæli Jóns Árnasonar þjóðsagnasafnara stendur Stofnun Árna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum fyrir alþjóðlegri ráðstefnu um þjóðsögur í samstarfi við Háskóla Íslands. Ráðstefnan fer fram í Norræna húsinu dagana 17. og 18. október. Ráðstefnan fer fram á ensku.

10:30–11:15 Opening

Welcome: Guðrún Nordal. Director of the Árni Magnússon for Icelandic Studies
Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland

The Theater group Umskiptingar (Changelings) in collaboration with Akureyri Theatre Company: Galdragáttin og þjóðsagan sem gleymdist (Magical gateway and the folktale that was lost) 

Terry Gunnell tells “The Deacon of Myrká” (Djákninn á Myrká)


11:15–12:15 Plenary
Chair: Guðrún Nordal
Joep Leerssen
: A Hub Called Jón: On the transnational entanglements of cultural nationalists

12:15–13:30 Lunch

Chair: Sveinn Yngvi Egilsson

13:30–14:10 Terry Gunnell: Íslenzkar þjóðsögur og ævintýri in the International Context of the Grimm Ripples
14:10–14:50 Júlíana Þóra Magnúsdóttir: “On the knees of women”: Approaches to Female Storytellers in Nineteenth Century Iceland
14:50–15:30 Ane Ohrvik: The Cultural Network of the Norwegian Folklore Collector Peter Christen Asbjørnsen in the Nineteenth Century

15:30–16:00 Coffee

16:00–17:30 Digital Folkloristics
Chair: Olga Holownia

Fredrik Skott: Digital dissemination: ethical dilemmas and new possibilities
Trausti Dagsson: Extending Sagnagrunnur: digital collection of places, letters, folklore and the folk
Timothy R. Tangherlini: The Making of Danske sagn: Evald Tang Kristensen and Folklore Collecting in 19th Century Denmark

17:30 The Theater group Miðnætti (Midnight) in collaboration with Akureyri Theatre Company: Djákninn á Myrká (The Deacon of Myrká)

2019-10-17T10:30:00 - 2019-10-18T17:00:00