Árna Magnússonar fyrirlestur á fæðingardegi Árna Magnússonar verður haldinn í þriðja sinn föstudaginn 13. nóvember 2015 kl. 16 í fyrirlestrasal Þjóðminjasafns Íslands.
Johan Peter Gumbert, prófessor emeritus í handritafræðum við Háskólann í Leiden, flytur erindi á ensku sem kallast:
In Praise of Some Grand Old Men: Some important figures in the fields of palaeography and codicology of the 19th and 20th century.
„In my talk I shall discuss some of our predecessors that were of particular relevance for the development of our discipline — and more specifically those that were of particular importance for myself and my own view of the field, such as Friedrich Adolf Ebert (1791-1834, Leipzig), Henry Bradshaw (1831-1886, Cambridge), Edward Kennard Rand (1871-1945, Harvard), Edward Johnston (1872-1944) and Jean Mallon (1904-1982).“