Upon successful completion of the summer school, participants will have obtained:
Knowledge and understanding of
- Palaeography: different script types used in medieval and early modern Scandinavia (from Carolingian minuscule to Gothic types of scripts), their development, and their characteristic letter shapes
- Abbreviations in written scripts, recognising them and expanding in a meaningful way
- Codicology: describing a medieval codex, knowledge about the production of books in the Middle Ages and early modern times (the different stages and people involved)
- Differences between West Norse and East Norse manuscripts and scripts
- History of edition from traditional philology (Lachmann) via Bédier and Cerquiglini to New/Material philology
Skills in
- Reading and transcribing texts in medieval scripts
- Identifying different script types and giving a relative dating
- Locating and identifying the numerous manuscript witnesses (copies) of a certain work
- How to collate manuscripts for variants (variant apparatus)
- How to make a stemma codicum
Competences in
- Working with manuscripts in modern collections
- Describing medieval manuscripts, their form and function
- Theory and practice of scholarly editing
- Technical realisation of edition work/project management
- Preparing an edition of a previously unedited text